Vision-RTK 2

Built for precise positioning in GNSS degraded and denied areas and places.

Industry Challenge

Better, safer and more efficient

The future is autonomous, and the agricultural industry is playing an important role in getting us there. Demographics, climate change, food waste, scarcity of natural resources, and the overall sustainability of our food systems are putting ever increasing pressure on the agricultural sector.

To respond to these challenges, agriculture is looking to the future and that future is precise, efficient, effective, and autonomous. Drones, robots, and other technologies are set to change the way we farm. ORIENTATION is here to help make all this possible.
GNSS degrades in buildings
GNSS degrades between trees
Customer benefits from using Vision-RTK 2
Traditional positioning systems work well in ideal conditions with good satellite reception. However, a large proportion of agricultural operations take place in areas with weak or non-existent GNSS signals. Under tree and crop canopies, moving between farm buildings and amongst other large machinery, it is performance in these challenging scenarios that determine whether a vehicle can be truly autonomous.

Whether you operate in orchards, through greenhouses or near large silos, ORIENTATION’s Vision-RTK offers centimeter-accurate precision throughout.
mission image
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